Silver Linings for our Running?

So, we’re restricted now.  Even though the situation is easing, for many people, theres no more office based job for 8 hours of the day.  No more social drinks at the pub.  No more organised gatherings.

Even if we just take those three examples, it sounds like we might have more time around home for the foreseeable future, until restrictions are eased much further (assuming that happens?!) This situation over the last 8 weeks or so, has unwittingly removed THE BIG excuse that we hear as coaches, lack of time.

Ok, ok... I concede that we also haven’t have run groups, gyms, pools, other sports services that help us achieve our goals however, my point is that there’s always a silver lining to every situation.  Trust me I’m not trying to make light of what for many people has been and continues to be a truly horrible, stressful situation.  I am simply trying to put the brakes on our tendency to get stuck in a news and social media induced spiral of paralysis and frustration.  We each have to find some element of control and create positives, or as my sister keeps saying, ’Silver Linings.'  Not easy, I know.  Particularly when the situation changes so quickly that by the time I finish writing and posting this, there will be a different set of measures in place and yet more unknowns.

So, if we focus on the positives.  What positives have we seen for our running over the last 8 weeks?

  • Interesting technology based approaches from across the industry to getting people exercising and moving within their homes through this time.

  • The running community coming together online and sharing great, positive, funny stories and reflecting.

  • Running Groups and races doing the right thing for the greater good such as social distancing, shutting down when necessary and keeping people informed of their measures.

  • Heaps of new challenges, targets and goals being set, which are perhaps in areas that we wouldn’t have had under normal circumstances.

  • Huge emphasis from the running community on the importance of mental health and runners willing to be there for each other.

  • Runners involving their family and loved ones in the process of keeping fit.

  • New running and exercise podcasts springing up.

  • Runners not giving up on their goals and recognising that there is a more important set of circumstances here, beyond sport.

  • Crazy and inspirational challenges such as backyard marathons giving people a bit of entertainment and challenging people.

  • More time to reflect on the goals that are really important and what their running actually means to them.

  • More time being spent on foam rollers and doing stretches!

And these are just a few that I have seen…

What positives or silver linings have you seen?  Let us know...