Foam Rollers Union believes their time has come!

Reports are circulating that the Foam Rollers Union (FRU) is feeling bullish about a new deal with owners after recent developments related to the Coronavirus.  The virus has swept across much of the globe, with serious health and economic consequences to individuals and communities.

In the fitness world, gyms and fitness classes have been cancelled and with more people working from home than ever before, health experts are seeing an increase in back and neck issues cropping up.  There is also anecdotal evidence that other muscles used in the running movement are also starting to suffer as a result of stress, tension and lack of movement from the lockdown restrictions.  One owner, Maggie commented, “my back and hips are bearing the brunt of all the stress and shitty ergonomic design of working at my kitchen table, so I'm hobbling around like I'm 90 years old! Just a week ago I felt fitter than ever!"

Negotiations between individuals and their foam rollers had in many cases reached and remained in a stalemate, with owners not seeing enough value and return on investment, to further engage in discussions, and on the other side of the negotiating table, Foam Rollers feeling as though their value proposition had always been clear to owners and that it was on the owners to change habits and stop being so lazy.

One keen supporter of the foam roller movement, GoRun Australia Running Coach, Chris White said, “I’ve been waiting for a moment where people finally start to see the value of the foam roller that they have purchased and then abandoned.  We now have the time and less excuses, it is time for us as runners to benefit from a regular rolling routine."

Stock prices in foam rolling companies rose yesterday in the US, which many believe will see rises in the UK and the Australian Markets.  Investors are also starting to flock towards these companies, driving values up further and strengthening the hand of the foam roller companies.  

An FRU representative was quoted as saying, “We are seeing a shift in spending patterns, with more discretionary dollars being spent in the home gym and body maintenance space, we feel this is a positive sign for our industry."

Foam rollers around Australia are in a state of suspense as their owners become gradually tighter and more sore, wondering when they will be called into action.  One (as yet unnamed) large blue foam roller in the lounge room corner was quoted as saying, "We believe that it’s reaching a tipping point and soon, they will have to cave in and have to use us.”

Do you have a foam roller, that you have not used in over 6 months, we would like to hear from you, especially if you are feeling the benefits of a renewed relationship with this piece of essential running equipment ;-)