Too Far, Too Fast, Too Often.

Too Far, Too Fast, Too Often.

We’ve all been there as beginners, even some of the fastest runners you know probably began with those awkward, embarrassing first runs / walks and suffered from the same things that we do, but even with that in mind, I did not expect people of all experiences, shapes, sizes, abilities, ages to contribute to this debate.  I don’t know what I expected to be honest, but certainly not the detail and emotive comment that I got back.  The responses certainly gave me a renewed want to try and help people by addressing these issues in my coaching.

One of the main issues that came through in the responses was that of wanting to go longer, harder and faster every time you run.  

5 things that a first time marathoner needs to know.

5 things that a first time marathoner needs to know.

No matter what challenge you have decided to take on in your first marathon, you have to start with where you are at. Whether its training, nutrition, recovery or pacing, you will learn a lot taking on your first marathon challenge!

6 Tips for Great Recovery

6 Tips for Great Recovery

One of the areas that worries us most as runners is injury. In particular, how is your body going to deal with building for events like the marathon, as well as the demands of every day life?  Having teamed up with the Physios at Port Melbourne Physio and Pilates, we took the liberty of asking them their advice on RECOVERY in the hope that their words of wisdom would keep us injury free and running at our best in the longer term.  As health professionals who regularly treat recreational runners with injuries and as runners themselves, who better to chat with about getting our recovery right, than our physio friends?!  

A Year of endurance events helps Meagan ‘climb out of dark hole’

A Year of endurance events helps Meagan ‘climb out of dark hole’

After several epic life challenges, Meagan set herself an inspiring goal of #8in18  – to compete in an event in every state and territory of Australia in 2018.   Here she shares what she learnt from the challenge and the final event - Ironman Busselton, Western Australia - and how she’s been keeping busy this year.

The reason #8in18 came about was that I fell into a world of depression and then anxiety, following a relationship breakup, a divorce and a number of health issues.  The only way I was going to climb out of that dark hole was by pulling myself out of it ... so I set the goal!! 

The 80/20 of Running

The 80/20 of Running

Even in my few short years coaching recreational runners to achieve their goals, you can start to pick out a few key themes and messages that are likely to stand the test of time and outlast whatever the latest, hilarious marketing trends of the week are.

One of those key messages is the importance of the mental side running, as opposed to the physical side.

Why do we feel guilty for running?

Why do we feel guilty for running?

Many conversations.  One common theme: Runners Guilt.

Yep, it’s a real thing.  People of all shapes and sizes feel guilty for running.  Whether you are a busy executive, a shift worker, a student, a stay at home parent or all of the above, runners guilt can stop you getting your running off the ground or keeping up your training routine.  

“Why do I feel so guilty when I go for a run?”

We Fall to the Level of our Training

We Fall to the Level of our Training

An old coach of mine had a very simple saying, "finish at the finish."

Seems simple enough to do, right?

In a race or event, this absolutely makes sense but he also used to say this during almost every training session. Whether it was an easy recovery run or a hard interval session, 'finish at the finish' still rings true. Just like you can’t imagine stopping your race 100 metres before the finish line, nor should you imagine this during training. We are creatures of habit and by finishing actually at the finish and not before, we are looking to create a positive habit that is reinforced in each and every session, not just when the coach is looking.

Environment matters. A lot.

Environment matters. A lot.

One of the topics I seem to come back to often as a coach is ‘environment.’  By environment I don’t really mean climate change and planting trees, nor do I necessarily mean a high performance environment like high altitude training camps, this is more about the environments that we choose to train, socialise and are raised within.  

During my time in Switzerland recently, it became really obvious that the environment was conducive to having more fit people.  Let me explain…

From Surgery to Half Marathoner - Shannon's Running Story

From Surgery to Half Marathoner - Shannon's Running Story

Despite running from a young age, Shannon didn’t see herself as a ‘runner’. It wasn’t until she was forced to either quit running forever or undergo major surgery on both legs, that she realised how much it meant to her. Now every run is a celebration. 

We're all still learning. Even the coaches

We're all still learning. Even the coaches

Even coaches still benefit from being coached.  Whilst they are busy sharing their knowledge with others and helping to structure their training, increase accountability and get results, they too, can do with help from time to time.  There are coaches out there who are former athletes, there are coaches who have never been athletes and there are coaches like myself, who still have athletic ambitions.  There are plenty of pro’s and cons to each situation, but no matter what a coach' own personal experience in the sport, few coaches would claim that they know it all.  In fact, if they do claim to know it all, I would say that they are deluded.

How to find the right running group for you...

How to find the right running group for you...

Our Run Group in Port Melbourne has been going for a couple of years now and during that time, I have been asked a lot of questions both as the coach and as the organiser.  There are certainly themes to these questions and one of the big ones is around ‘fear.’  That fear is usually shown in the person not wanting to be the “worst" or slowest person in the group.  One new arrival even messaged me before their first session to say, “I've never joined a running group before.  I'm probably going to be way behind even the slowest person there.”

How to choose the right next event for you

How to choose the right next event for you

The post race break usually means a quadrupling of our food and alcohol intake (particularly in ‘fat week’), accompanied by plenty of reflections on the race that has gone, discussions about what we enjoyed, where you can improve, and questions about what race might be next.  This down time and reflection period is really important.  It allows for recovery both mentally and physically, but it usually isn’t long before the ‘What’s next?’ question rears its head… Cue animated predictions, planning sessions and discussions with friends for races that we want to sign up for.  

With so many events on the running calendar these days and entry costs going through the roof, it is becoming tricky (and expensive) to decide which event is actually the right event for you.

What’s next?

What’s next?

One of the most popular questions that we ask other runners is the question of, “what’s next?”

I’m going to be honest and declare that I have a love / hate relationship with this question.  This stems from the moment I finished my 17th and final marathon of 2017, after running races around Australia to raise money and awareness for the Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute.  I had put myself through a lot physically and emotionally that year, particularly for that final marathon.  I was relieved and elated to be finished the running and fundraising challenge, but within 2 minutes of finishing, I was being asked, "what’s next?"  For some reason, it felt almost criminal to take anything away from that moment and from the sense of achievement, by simply moving on.  Don’t get me wrong, I already knew what was next for me, but for some reason I reacted against the assertion that there needed to be something next and that I couldn’t simply enjoy this particular moment for what it was. 

New Challenges, New Friends and Beating Stress: Why I run...

If you are looking for inspiration, look no further than one of our own Go Runners: Grace. Following on from Runner Stories blogs by Kylie and Caroline, this time around we profile Grace, who got back into her running with GoRun and is now taking on events and new challenges all the time. Grace chats about her running history, some of the benefits of being part of a group and how she uses running to manage stress.

How to not screw up your marathon taper

How to not screw up your marathon taper

For those of you running at Melbourne Marathon Festival on 13 October, congratulations on getting this far in your training.  You will mostly have gone through the tough, long preparation for the 10km, half marathon or marathon distances and are now entering (or about to enter) a taper period, to freshen you up for race day.  This is a weird and wonderful couple of weeks where many people can screw their races, so I thought it would be useful to run through five 'anti-screw up' tips with to help keep you focused and ready to roll when you get to the start line.