keep running

Want to keep running long term? Up your mental and recovery game

Want to keep running long term?  Up your mental and recovery game

A couple of weeks ago, we published a blog looking at what we think are the most important considerations when you are starting out on your running journey. However, as we know, getting started is just half the battle. Keeping running is often the more challenging half of the equation. when we start to look at your overall trajectory, and keeping you active in the longer term, certain things become more important, two of which are recovery and mental resilience.  

Keep Running: 5 in 50 minutes

Keep Running: 5 in 50 minutes

Well, after ‘3 in 30’ and ‘4 in 40’, its time to go a bit longer in our third and final blog of this little series! We wanted to give you plenty of options to mix up your running and keep running with sessions of under an hour. There are plenty of limits on us at the moment and so a short, sharp session is just what the doctor ordered, not only for your physical health but your mental wellbeing as well. As GoRun coaches, Kylie, Sarah, Jason and I hope that these little sessions can keep you running and we would love to hear how you are going with them!

Keep Running: 4 in 40 minutes

Keep Running: 4 in 40 minutes

Yesterday we posted 3 runs that you can do in 30 minutes. Today we’re extending that time to a still achievable 40 minutes and sharing 4 of our favourite sessions. There’s a couple of the simple, foundational runs that we build everything else upon, and a couple of cheeky ones that that will burn those legs!

Keep Running: 3 in 30 minutes

Keep Running: 3 in 30 minutes

Ok, so run groups and events are cancelled, but that doesn’t mean sitting on our arses and losing all the hard fought for fitness that we have gained over the months and years of training. It is time to find new ideas and answers, rather than questions and excuses.